Alvin Tan
Executive Vice President, Singapore Economic Development Board
Alternate Director, HCLI

Mr. Alvin Tan is the Executive Vice President of the Singapore Economic Development Board (EDB) and a member of EDB’s Executive Committee. He oversees EDB’s Human Capital Group, which is responsible for driving strategies and initiatives to develop and attract talent, so as to ensure Singapore has the workforce it needs to enable the continued growth of key industries. In addition, he is responsible for EDB’s Human Resources & Organisational Development division, which is in charge of talent management and building strong organisational capabilities and culture. 

Alvin was previously the Assistant Chief Executive Officer of the Industry Cluster Group and the Enterprise Cluster Group at JTC, Singapore’s lead government agency responsible for the planning and development of industrial infrastructure to support industries. At JTC, Alvin oversaw the formulation and execution of industry development and customer engagement strategies to build industry ecosystems at JTC’s industrial and business parks. 

Alvin graduated from the National University of Singapore with a Bachelor of Engineering (Civil) and a Master of Science in Applied Finance. In 2019, he was awarded the Public Administration Medal (Silver) in recognition of his contribution to the Public Service. He is married with three children.