Leadership Mosaics Across Asia – Vietnam
Author Name
Rebecca Siow
In an increasingly connected and interdependent world, business leaders are increasingly subjected to the forces of globalisation. To some extent, such international forces have led to a cross-national convergence of management principles and practices, with a heavy influence from the United States and Western Europe due to their economic dominance of the last two centuries.
Yet, governance structures, economic institutions and fundamental cultural values can arguably be quite resistant to global convergence forces. As a result, business leadership is still often enacted differently across different countries. This is certainly evident in Asia, an incredibly diverse region in itself.
Recognising this, HCLI’s Leadership Mosaics across Asia seeks to discover in-depth the different ways of leadership in Asia based on more than 160 in-depth conversational interviews with C-suite leaders in the region, applying about 4,000 research hours, and covering nine countries in Asia.
The research suggests answers to the following:
- What are the prevalent characteristics of senior business leaders across Asia?
- Beyond local success, how should Asian emerging leaders develop to make the leap onto the global stage?
- What are seven useful tips that can help leaders new to countries in Asia connect with their local teams?
Available for download below, this is one of 9 country reports available.
Other countries studied include China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, The Philippines, Singapore and Thailand.
Leadership Mosaics Across Asia - Vietnam
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